Make your donation go three times as far this #GivingTuesday by donating to ITEC’s 2020 Girls Giving Society!
Both Dewpoint and the R.E. Olds Foundation have promised to match every donation we receive through the end of 2017 for up to $10,000 each. That means, we can turn $10,000 of individual donations into $30,000!
Help us reach our goal by donating to ITEC on Tuesday, Nov 28. All proceeds donated between Nov 20-28 will go directly to the 2020 Girls Giving Society and be eligible for the match.
Give online

It’s an exciting time to be a part of ITEC.
Your tax deductible contributions allow us to offer the programs that have touched the lives of students in schools and community destinations throughout Lansing.
We love what we do, and we believe in this community. We hope you will engage with our mission to enable Lansing area residents to acquire flexible, transferable technological skills that will allow them to participate in a fast-paced global economy.
Give in-kind
We are always happy to receive donations of materials and tools for use in our classes. Below is a list of items that help support Techtronics and iMath programs, as well as ITEC office operations.
– Flash drives for student use (all ITEC classes)
– Tablets (for App Development classes)
– Lego Robotics kits (for Lego Robotics classes)
– Headphones (for iMath and Digital Media classes)
– Laptops (all ITEC classes)
– T-shirts (all ITEC classes)
– Pencils, stickers, labels, file folders, notepads, portable storage bins, baskets/containers/vases/jars (for office support and incentive tracking in all ITEC classes)
– Toner and copy paper (for office support)
– Video cameras and tripods (for Digital Media classes)
– Rechargeable batteries (for Lego Robotics classes)
Contact us at admin@iteclansing.org or (517) 708-4391 for more information about donating the above or other items.